
1. The cashier can print voucher with QR Code to get payment quickly

2. The cashier can print debt pay-in note when the guest makes payment with card or transfer

3. The restaurant owner can set up schedule for an item when it is added to the online order page 

4. Add hashtags to suggest items for the guests

5. Set up to show information on Order at the table screen when the guest requests payment

6. The kitchen/bar staff can print processing ticket with pickup time for online orders

1. The cashier can print voucher with QR Code to get payment quickly 


The cashier can print voucher with QR Code to get payment quickly

Instruction steps:

1.1. On PC/POS

On PC/POS, click on the iconand select Settings

– Select Printer and template

– Click Edit and check Print QR Code Voucher

Then, click Save.

Here is the voucher template.

1.2. On Quick service version

– On Quick service version, click on the iconand select Settings

– Select Printer and template and check Print QR Code Voucher

Here is voucher template.

2. The cashier can print debt pay-in note when the guest makes payment with card or transfer 

Instruction steps:

On the management page, click on the iconand select Collect debt
– Enter phone number and double click on the iconto search guest information
– Click on the iconto select payment method. Then, click OK & Print
Here is the template.
3. The restaurant owner can set up schedule for an item when it is added to the online order page 
Instruction steps:
On the management page, select Online sale/Online order page/Menu
For the items without schedule, this message will appear.
The manager can add Schedule: View instructions here.
Upon adding item to menu, here are the cases:
Case 1:  If the the restaurant sets up 1 schedule
– Click Select item
– Click on the iconand select Menu category or enter item name, ID on search bar
Then, click Load data
– Check items to add to menu and click OK
The screen shows items added to the schedule as below.
Case 2:  The restaurant sets up multiple schedules
– Click Select item

– Click on the icon

and select Menu category or enter item name, ID on search bar
Then, click Load data
– Check items to add to menu and click OK
After adding item to menu, the screen shows the message Please add schedule for the newly added items to show on the online order page
Click OK to add schedule
Note: Items which do not have schedule are highlighted in red
– Select item and click Schedule to set up schedule
– Select Schedule and click Save
The screen shows items just added to Schedule as below.
4. Add hashtags to suggest items for the guests
Instruction steps:
On the management page, go to Online sale/Order at the table/Menu
– Select Hashtag
– Enter Hashtag name and click Select item
– Check items to apply hashtag
Then click OK
Moreover, to add hashtag you can select item and click Edit
At Hashtags, click on the iconto add Hashtag
Then, click Save
When the guest scans QR Code, the program shows hashtags to suggest special items as below.
5. Set up to show information on Order at the table screen when the guest requests payment
Details of change:
Currently, the restaurant which uses Order at the table feature does not include tip in the item price. When the guest requests payment, the manager wants to notify the guest so they can tip. Therefore, as of R102 CUKCUK allows to set up to show that information on the check out screen.
Instruction steps:
On the management page, go to Online sale/Order at the table/Settings
On Information to be shown when the guest requests check out part:
– Click Edit
– Enter information and click Save
When the guest scans QR Code to order, the information will be shown as below.
6. The kitchen/bar staff can print processing ticket with pickup time for online orders
Instruction steps:
On PC/POS, when there’s an online order:
The cashier clicks Confirm to confirm order
Here is the processing ticket template.

Have a nice day!

Updated on 27/02/2023

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