How to take order with CUKCUK Self Order?

When dining in, the guests can use CUKCUK Self Order to take order by themselves and send order to the restaurant as follows:

  • On the screen, there are all food and drinks items. The guests can check out items by category or by entering item name on search bar.

  • Touch the item to add it to the order.

For commom items without modifiers or Combo: Item will be automatically added to the order.

For items with modifiers: Check additional requests (if any), then click Add to order.

For items sold by ingredient: Touch the item and quantity you want. Then touch Add to order.

For items by category: Select the item in the category and then touch Add to order.

Note: You can touch icon (i) on the item to check out item details.

  • If you want to add any note about the item, touch the icon “Note” to leave a note.

  • Increase/Decrease quantity if you want to order more or less item.
  • Or remove item from the list if you do not want to order it any more.

  • Follow the same steps for other items.

  • If you want to take away, click the icon  on the item.

  • After that, click “Cofirm” and wait for confirmation from the cashier.

If the manager does not require the cashier to confirm the guest’s request before sending it to kitchen/bar, after taking self-order the guest clicks Send order in order to send it to the restaurant’s kitchen/bar.

If the guest wants to call waitstaff, click the hand icon as below

Updated on 27/11/2023

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