1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for role
  5. Cashier
  6. [Cambodia] The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, how does the cashier inform converted amount to guests when getting payment?
  1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Restaurant feature Guides
  4. Guide to restaurant operations on mobile/tablet
  5. User guide for application
  6. New Features
  7. [Cambodia] The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, how does the cashier inform converted amount to guests when getting payment?
  1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for application
  5. CUKCUK – For sale operation
  6. On Phone
  7. [Cambodia] The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, how does the cashier inform converted amount to guests when getting payment?
  1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for application
  5. CUKCUK – For sale operation
  6. On Tablet
  7. [Cambodia] The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, how does the cashier inform converted amount to guests when getting payment?

[Cambodia] The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, how does the cashier inform converted amount to guests when getting payment?

The restaurant allow guests to check out by 2 currencies, the cashier want to inform converted amount to guests when getting payment, please follow these steps:

Go to the management page, on System settingsGeneral settingsCurrency, select exchanged currency, enter exchange rate.

When getting payment, the converted amount will be shown on check out screen

SALE app on Phone is the same.

Updated on 27/11/2023

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