What to do when guest cancels item?

For orders that has been saved, but guest want to cancesl item, proceed as following:

If order has not been sent to kitchen/bar

  • Touch order that you need to cancel item.


  • Touch bieu_tuong_3_cham_3 next to item you want to delete.
  • Touch Delete item.
  • That item will be removed from the order.


If order has been sent to kitchen/bar

  • Touch order that has item you need to cancel.


  • Touch bieu_tuong_3_cham_3 next to item you need to cancel.
  • Select Delete item.


  • Enter quantity to delete and reason for deleting.
  • Touch Yes


  • Then the deleted item will be crossed on the order list.



  • If a portion of items have been served, you can only delete the remaning unserved portion of that item.
  • If all of that item has been served, you cannot delete that item.
  • Cannot delete item in combo or item processed by ingredient (that sold by kg).
  • When an item is deleted, there will be a sound notification and that item will disappear on screen of Kitchen.
  • If the restaurant manager select option Restaurant manager must confirm before deleting order, item, then you must have confirmation of a manager account to delete item.


The accounts that can confirm item deletion: Restaurant manager, Restaurant chain manager, System admin.
If the manager want to let other staff to confirm deletion, the manager can assign that staff the role of Order control

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Updated on 27/11/2023

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