1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for application
  5. CUKCUK – For sale operation
  6. On Tablet
  7. How to take order when guest orders by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items?
  1. Main site
  2. 5. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Frequently asked questions for cashier
  4. Taking order
  5. How to take order when guest orders by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items?
  1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for role
  5. Order taking staff
  6. How to take order when guest orders by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items?
  1. Main site
  2. 2. Feature topics
  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for role
  5. Cashier
  6. How to take order when guest orders by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items?

How to take order when guest orders by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items?

If guest order by kg of ingredient and request kitchen to cook into serveral items, proceed as following:

  • Touch the ingredient that guest orders.

  • Enter quantity of ingredient.
  • Select items processed from the selected ingredient and insert quantity for each item.

  • Touch OK.

Note: After items has been writen on the order, you can change the items by selecting the ingredient, then Select item made from that ingredient.

Updated on 24/11/2023

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