How to take order and get payment in quick service restaurant?

For quick service restaurant, cashier will take order, check out, and get payment at the same time when guest orders items. Proceed as following:

Take order

  • At screen Add order, touch item image to add item. Number of touchs will be number of servings. You can touch quantity box to quickly add quantity.


  • If guest has custom request for the item, touch the item and select the custom modifier.


  • Touch bieu-tuong-ngoi-tai-ban and select Dine in or Take away

Ghi-order-tinh-tien-QS-3 Note:

  • If  you add a wrong item , touch  bieu-tuong-3-cham next to the item and select Delete item.
  • If you want to discount an item or give free item directly to guest, touch bieu-tuong-3-cham and select Discount/Free item.
  • If guest dine in the restaurant, enter Waiting no… for that order accordingly.

Check out and get payment at the counter

  • Touch bieu-tuong-hop-qua to enter guest information and select promotion.

  • If guest pays by Voucher, touch bieu-tuong-voucher to add voucher information.


  • Touch bieu-tuong-gia-theo-khung-gio to apply price schedule.


  • Select VAT 10% if your restaurant apply VAT by setting in System settingsGeneral settings tab Procurement/Sale.


  • On order taking screen, touch icon-get-payment-2.
  • If guest pays right away by cash or bank transfer:
  • Select the right payment method.
  • Enter payment amount, select notes or select Cash suggestions.
  • Select guest doen’t take change or Reduce change for guest if needed.


  • If guest will pay later in the future (This feature will only appear if the restaurant set up feature Let guest pay later in System settingsGeneral settingsProcurement/Sale).
  • Touch symbol X next to amount guest has to pay.


  • Select Will pay later.
  • Enter guest information.
  • Touch OK.


  • Touch Print & Close  to print bill.
  • To make card payment via application, touch icon-mpos . More details here.
Updated on 24/11/2023

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