How to set up bill printing via LAN connection?

To set up and print bill via LAN printer, proceed as following:

  • Touch dau3gach, select Settings.
  • On Printer and Template turn on Print bill.
  • Select LAN printer settings and touch Settings.

  • Enter IP address for the printer. See instruction on how to set IP address for printer here.

Note: Wifi  to connect the mobile device and printer must be the same network.

  • Touch Connect.
  • Touch Print test page to check connection to printer is successful.


  • Select paper size.
  • Select a template as Type 1 or Type 2.
  • Note: For Type 2, you can set scaled print size in order to avoid missing information.
  • Select number of copies.


  • Enter restaurant information.
  • It is possible to display either restaurant name or logo or both on the bill.


  • Check the information you wish to display on the bill.


  • Enter bill footer.
  • If you use draft bill, check Use draft bill template.
  • Check Display the note Bill does not include tax when tax is excluded if you wish to display this message on the bill.


Updated on 24/11/2023

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