How to recognize edits or processing notes for guests?

To recognize modifiers upon request for guests, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the item which the guest requests modifier or gives notes.

  • If the item has multiple modifers, click Modifier to view all modifiers.
  • Select the modifiers ordered.

  • Click OK.
  • Click Send to kitchen/bar to send order to kitchen/bar.

If the guest has any request of processing items but this request is not common and you do not want to save in list of Modifiers, the cashier can recognize it and send this request to kitchen/bar as follows:

  • Click on the item involving the request, select Quick note.

  • Enter the guest’s request, click OK.

  • Click Send to kitchen/bar to send order to kitchen/bar.

Note: If the cashier is also assigned as Menu management, the cashier can quickly recognize priced modifiers. To do so, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the item which the guest requests modifier, select Modifier.
  • Enter the modifier requested.
  • Enter additional charge, click the icon “+“.

  • Click Done.
Updated on 07/11/2023

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