How to move items to other order?

If cashier wants to move items to other order, proceed as following:

Case 1: Move item to an existed order

  • Touch order you need to move item.

  • Touch bieu_tuong_3_cham_3 and select Move item to other Order.

  • Select Move to existed order.
  • Enter quantity of servings to move and select order to move to.
  • Select OK.
  • Items will be moved to existed order.

Case 2: Move item to new order

  • Items will be moved to existed order.

  • Touch  bieu_tuong_3_cham_3 and select Move item to other Order.

  • Select Move to existed order.
  • Enter quantity of servings and table you want to move to.
  • Select OK.

  • Items will be moved to new order

Updated on 27/11/2023

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