How to close a working shift?

To close a shift, the cashier need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Review sales of the shift

  • Touch the symbol dau3gach.
  • Select Shift report.


  • Touch the blue links to view details on: total sales, total debt collected, total deposit. Or view receipts by payment methods such as: cash, bank card, bank transfer, voucher.


  • Select View sales by items if you want to view sales revenue by each item.

Step 2: Check cash and hand over cash drawer at the end of the shift

  • Touch the symbol dau3gach.
  • Select Log out.


  • Select Yes.

  • Touch Real amount details to enter cash by each note.


  • Click Print minutes if you want to hand over a hard copy to the cashier in the next shift.
  • Select Close Shift.

Note: To see details about sales during the shift, touch Sale details in shift.


Updated on 24/11/2023

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