How to choose a kitchen/bar to process an order?

For the restaurants that have many areas and several kitchen/bar, cashier wants to select kitchen/bar to print order made by the cashier’s device, proceed as following:

  • Touch dau3gach and select Settings.
  • At tab General settings, turn on Send orders to kitchen/bar by service area.
  • Select kitchen/bar.

Note: If each floor has 1 bar but different kitchens for Asian or Western cuisines, it should be set as follows:

  • Bar is set by floor/area.
  • Kitchen is set Not by area. At that time, item will be printed in the kitchen as set in menu setting.

If your restaurant registers to use the feature Send 1 item to multiple kitchens/bars (view details here). The cashier can proceed with the following settings:

  • On Printer and template/Print Order, Check Connect to printer via PC.
  • Select the cashier’s printer and serving area.

Note: In case of printing via PC, the printing request will depend on the printer settings on such PC. If the PC does not set printer, the ticket will not be printed. 

Updated on 07/11/2023

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