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  7. How does waitstaff confirm and notify weighing staff that guests agree with quantity of weighed ingredients?
  1. Main site
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  3. Tablet/Smartphone apps
  4. User guide for role
  5. Weighing Staff
  6. How does waitstaff confirm and notify weighing staff that guests agree with quantity of weighed ingredients?

How does waitstaff confirm and notify weighing staff that guests agree with quantity of weighed ingredients?

After receiving notification of weight, the waitstaff goes to List of weighing confirmation, touch Confirm on the weighed items.

The quantity of weighed ingredients is updated to the order.

When the waitstaff saves this order, a notification will be sent to the weighing staff.

And weighed ingredients will be shown on Confirmed – Not yet sent screen of weighing staff.

When the weighing staff sends ingredients to kitchen, these items will be shown on Processing screen on KDS app on tablet; and Processing ticket will be printed (if the restaurant use Lan Printer for Kitchen)

Updated on 27/11/2023

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