Add drinks to menu on PC/POS

1. Purpose
To add new drinks to menu on Sale apps on PC/POS.

2. Steps
1. Click  , select Menu.

2. Click Add, select category as Drink. Enter information on General tab.


  • The restaurant can use drink code suggested by the software according to coding rules for food/drink in System settings\General settings or add your own code.
  • If it is a special drink of the restaurant, check Special. Then, this drink is in Special list on Order screen of the waitstaff.
  • Description of drink will be displayed on order-taking screen so that the waitstaff can have more information to consult guests.

3.On Modifier tab: Note the guest’s preferences (if any).

  • Click Add.
  • Enter Modifier and additional charge (if any).

4. Click Save.

Note: Manager can add drink by clicking Drink tab\click Add. Then, the system will default it as Drink.

Updated on 16/09/2022

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