How to add item to order when guest requests for more items?

When guest requests more items, proceed as following:

  • Touch the order in Serving list.


To add item to order:

  • Touch Add item.


  • Search for the item in menu => you can quickly search the item by typing the first letters of item name. For example: To search Chateau beef tartare then type cbt, to search for French black caviar then type fbc, etc.
  • The number of touchs on an item will be the quantity of items guest orders. You can touch Qty of item to quickly add quantity.
  • After finishing, select OK.


  • Add more information about the order (if needed).


Note: For order that has been sent to kitchen/bar, if guest orders more serving of an item already in the order, the extra serving will appear as 1 seperate line on the order.

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Updated on 27/11/2023

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