How to take order for guest who has made reservation?

If guest has already made item reservation, close to the time guest comes, cashier should send the reserved items to kitchen/bar to process as following:

  • Select order type as Reservation in list of order.
  • Touch symbol download, select Send to kitchen/bar to send the reserved items to kitchen/bar.


Note: If the order has been sent to kitchen/bar by order taking staff then the cashier does not have to do this task.

When guest checks in, cashier proceed as following:

Step 1: Make order

  • Select tab Order.
  • Select Add order.


Note: Cashier can select tab Bestseller to recommend guest or to quickly select bestselling items and add to order.

  • Touch symbol Tablet_Ghi_order_dat_truoc_3.
  • Select guest who has made reservation.


  • Select OK. The reserved items will be automatically added to order, cashier just need to add more items.
  • Touch items ordered by guest in the menu.


  • The number of touchs on an item will be the number of servings guest has ordered. Cashier can touch Qty to quickly add quantity .
  • Cashier can search for item by typing the first letter in the name of item. Example: To search for Chateau beef tartare then type cbt, to search for French black caviar then type fbc, etc.
  • Promotion information will only display for cashier to select if the restaurant manager has set up promotions and those promotions are still in applicable time.
  • The feature price schedule will only display and applicable if the restaurant manager has set up price schdule in menu settings.

Step 2: Send to Kitchen & Bar

  • Touch send-icon to send order to kitchen/bar.
  • Then, depending on device used for kitchen/bar, the list of items will be automatically:
    • Appeared in the list of items need to process in the tablet of kitchen/bar.
    • Or printed out at printer for kitchen/bar.

(If guest makes no change as items reservation (no new item or no change of item), the order taking staff just need to touch symbol  save-icon  to save order).

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Updated on 24/11/2023

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