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  2. 5. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. SQL SERVER installation errors
  4. How to fix the error that SQL (Book online) cannot be started

How to fix the error that SQL (Book online) cannot be started

How to fix the error that SQL (Book online) cannot be started?

Here is the error message:


Here are the causes and solutions:

  • Case 1: Because you install BKAV (BKAV version before 2015)
    • BKAV program blocks to start. 
    • To fix this error, go to options, firewall, change to basic mode and then restart SQL or upgrade to BKAV 2015. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Options
Step 2: Select Personal Firewall
Step 3: Select Basic Mode
  • Case 2: Because you install some software which conflict with SQL
    • Software which conflict with SQL can be: iVilid download, Chorme Toolbar, Delta toolbar, Search result Toolbar, Searchqu Toolbar, SearchNu Toolbar, performance windows optimization (Registry, Cleaner, Performance)…
    • To fix this error, the user should uninstall these software and then restart SQL.
  • Case 3:
    • Because PC cannot install SQL2005 SP2.
    • To fix this error, install higher SQL version: SQL2005 SP3, SP4 or SQL2008.
(Use this tool: http://download.misa.com.vn/HTKT/Tools/MISASQLInstaller/MISA%20SQL%20Installer.zip)
If you cannot install SQL, you must reinstall Windows
Updated on 14/09/2022

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