How to check items before checking out?

To check items when guest requests a check out, proceed as following:

  • Touch icon Check Items on the order you want to check out.

  • Check items, enter quantity of items guest returns.

  • After checking, touch  Mobile_Bieu_tuong_yeu_cau_thanh_toan_1 to send payment request to cashier.


Note: After checking, if you find any difference, touch Mobile_Bieu_tuong_sua_1 to edit order.

If the manager sets Require Manager to confirm result from checking items or checking out upon change, when there is any change of items on Checking items screen it requires confirmation of the Manager account.


Positions which can confirm checking items include: Restaurant Manager, Restaurant Chain Manager, System Administrator.
If the manager wants to assign another staff to confirm checking items, it is possible to add Order control to such staff.

Updated on 27/11/2023

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