How to recognize each serving time when the guest requests?

In fact, in some restaurants the guest usually orders multiple items and requests order of serving. For example, they order 2 appetizers like soup and salad and they request to serve salad first and soup later. However currently the program does not support order of serving. To recognize each serving time for the guest, please follow these steps:

  • On the Items List screen click the icon  to select the first time of serving.

  • Select items included in the first time of serving
  • Then click the icon  to select the second time of serving.

  • Select items for the second time of serving.
  • If the order has more 2 serving times, when you touch icon , a dialog will be shown. You can select serving time here to add items. If the guests want to be served some items now, please touch button SERVE NOW to select items.

If the guest changes time of serving, you can change as follows:

  • Touch icon at the line containing the item which the guest wants to change serving time, select Serving time

  • Select serving time again.

If the guests want to change time of serving to serve now, please touch icon at the line containing the item which the guest wants to change serving time, select Serve now


The item will be moved to SERVE NOW time

If you want to add more item to one serving time, touch 1ST TIEM, 2ND TIME…

Updated on 23/11/2023

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