
1. Allow customers to fill all of personal information when making an order on Website

2. Help manager to limit location for online order and calculate shipping cost by postal code

1. Allow customers to fill all of personal information when making an order on Website
Purpose: Help restaurants to receive customers’ personal information when they make order on Website
Details of change
When customers make order on website, they have to fill “First name” and “Last name” box before finishing order

2. Help manager to limit location for online order and calculate shipping cost by postal code
Purpose: Help restaurants to limit shipping location and calculate shipping cost by postal code
Instruction steps:
Step 1: On management page, choose Online Sale\Settings\Other settings

Step 2: On shipping cost,  choose “Calculate shipping cost by postal code”
List all postal codes in black space
Note: Each postal code is separated by “,”

Step 3: Enter Settings to set up shipping cost for each postal code

Updated on 19/09/2022

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