
New features

1. Add the feature: Allow to organize the order of displaying items in the category

2. Add the feature: Search bills by type of service

3. Add the feature: Sales report by item on Sale software

1. Allow to organize the order of displaying items in the category
Details of change: 

When taking order of any food/drink item in a category, the waitstaff wants the order of items to be displayed on the Order screen the same as that on the management page. However, currently the software sorts by item name. Therefore, as of R67 CUKCUK adds the feature: Allow to organize the order of displaying items in the category.
Instruction steps:
Step 1:
On the management page, at Menu select Add or edit food/drink item by category. Select the item you want to change the order and click on Up/Down button to move.

Step 2: When the waitstaff takes order of items by category, order of items will be displayed the same as that on the management page.

2. Add the feature: Search bills by type of service
Details of change:

On the Sale software, when searching bills the software does not allow to search by type of service. This makes the owner difficult to search and edit bills. Therefore, as of R67 CUKCUK software allows to search bills by type of service.
Instruction steps:

On the Sale app, go to List of bills, select type of service: All, Dine in, Take away or Delivery to search.

3. Add the feature: Sales report by item on Sale software
Details of change:

In the end of the shift, the cashier will summarize and distribute Tips to the relevant sections. Currently, the software does not summarize sales by item, so the cashier cannot distribute Tip to kitchen/bar. Therefore, as of R67 CUKCUK adds Report on sales by item so that the cashier can know sales by each food/drink item.
Instruction steps:
Step 1: On Sale software, open Menu. Select General report and then Report on sales by item

Step 2: Search by Item type and check out total sales

Updated on 19/09/2022

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