How to reprint order for kitchen/bar?

If the order printing was blurry, out of paper, or lost, you can reprint for kitchen/bar as below:

  • At tab Ultilities,  select K/B sending log.


  • Tab Not sent displays orders have not been sent to kitchen/bar, touch Gui-lai-bep-06.1 to send order.


  • Tab Sent displays order sent to kitchen/bar.
  • If there is at least 1 kitchen/bar has set up printer to receive order, the app will display feature Gui-lai-bep-07.1 so cashier can reprint order at kitchen/bar.


  • Touch Gui-lai-bep-07.1 on order you want to resend.
  • Select the kitchen/bar that has lost order.
  • Touch Reprint.



  • If the restaurant has set Send kitchen/bar by area, then all food will be sent to that kitchen and all drink will be sent to that bar.
  • If you don’t set Send kitchen/bar by area, the items will be printed at kitchen/bar you select in option Kitchen/bar when taking order.


  • Previously the manager needs to set to Use kitchen/bar sending log  on System settingsGeneral settingsPurchase/Sale on the Management page.

  • If the restaurant sets sending to kitchen/bar by area, all food items will be printed in the kitchen and drinks will be printed in the bar as set.
  • If the restaurant does not set sending to kitchen/bar by area, all items will be printed in kitchen/bar as set at Process at when you enter food/drink items.
Updated on 23/11/2023

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