How to print order on AnyPOS?

If your restaurant uses AnyPOS, for the cashier to print bill please follow these steps:

  • Click the icon , select Settings.
  • On Printer and template settings, turn on Print order. AnyPOS Printer is set default.

  • If you want to print via LAN network, click Settings corresponding to the kitchen/bar you want to set printing.
  • Check LAN Printer.
  • Enter IP address of the printer. View instruction on how to check and set IP address of the printer hereNote: To ensure connection and print order from the printer, the waitstaff’s device must use the same network as the printer.
  • Click Connect.
  • Select Paper size 58mm or 80mm. You can click Print Test to check if it is printed successfully or not.
  • Click OK.

Updated on 23/11/2023

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