Please follow these steps::
Depending on the network provider, disabling DHCP is different. For example access point of DLink
1. Plug the network cable of the cashier’s device in the access points. Or get the mobile device connected with the access point.
2. Open the browser and get access to IP address of the access point. Normally it is, or,…
3. Enter Username, Password. Default Username is admin, Password is admin or 1234 or 1111. (Login information is different among providers)
4. Click Login.
7. At that time, IP address of the access point is changed to the same IP address of the Router. When mobile devices are connected with access point, it is possible to find local server.
- With this settings, total number of mobile devices can be connected to Router, wifi transmitter is 250.
- After disabling DHCP, WAN port (*5) will not work, do not plug the network cable in this port.
Here is network settings for some common Routers:
Terms used in the article:
(*1) Router: a device joining multiple computer networks together via either wired or wireless connections in the restaurant. When the Router is connected to Modem via WAN port, Router will automatically generate an IP address different from that of Modem.
(*2) Access Point: a device receiving Internet from Router and sharing Internet with other devices. Identification of access point is antennas.
(*3) DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration: a protocol assigning IP address automatically with other relevant configuration like Subnet Mask, Gateway.
(*4) Internet Protocol Address: is the number assigned to a network equipped piece of hardware by which other device identify it.
(*5) WAN port: is used to receive 1 IP address from Router and then assign an IP address which is different from that of Router. Normally this port has different color from other ports.