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  2. How to take order and get payment at the quick service restaurant?

How to take order and get payment at the quick service restaurant?

For the quick service restaurant, cashier takes order, check out and get payment when a guests gives order. Please follow these steps:


  • On Add order window, touch the image of the item to add item. The number of hits is the number of ordered servings. If the guest orders multiple servings, you can touch the quantity box and enter the number here.

  • If the guest wants to add any modifier, touch the item and recognize it.

  • Touch the icon  bieu-tuong-ngoi-tai-ban and check Dine in or Take away.


  • If the item is wrongly taken, touch the icon bieu-tuong-3-chambeside the item and select Delete item.
  • If offer discount or free item, touch the icon bieu-tuong-3-chamand select  Discount/Free item
  • When the guest dines in, enter information bieu-tuong-so-cho corresponding to the guest’s order.

Check out and get payment at the counter

  • Touch the icon bieu-tuong-hop-qua to enter guest information and select promotion programs.

  • If the guest wants to make payment withVoucher, touch the icon bieu-tuong-voucher  and enter the voucher information.

  • Touch the icon bieu-tuong-gia-theo-khung-gio  to select price according to the applicable schedule.

  • Check Tax, the application automatically calculates tax applicable to each item as per tax settings upon entering items.

  • On Order screen, touch the icon .
  • If the guest makes payment by cash or transfer.
  • Select a proper payment method.
  • Enter the amount, select by face value or by Cash suggestions.
  • Check Change not taken or Change deducted depending on actual situation.

  • If the guest owes (This feature is only displayed if the restaurant has checked Allow guest to pay laterin System settingsGeneral settingsPurchase/Sale tab).
  • Touch x icon beside the payable amount.

  • Check
  • Enter guest information.
  • Touch OK.

  • Touch Print & Close to print bill.
  • If payment via mPoS.vn is accepted, touch bieu-tuong-mpos  to get payment. View details here.
Updated on 17/11/2023

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