
1. Show tip suggestion on draft bill

2. Add tax details to the report

1. Show tip suggestion on draft bill


The guest can easily add tip

Instruction steps:

Step 1: On the management page, go to System settings/General settings

Step 2: Select Purchase/Sale tab, go to Sale and click Edit

– On Tip suggestion, check Tip suggestion (%) 

– The program suggests tip including 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and allows the manager to change tips

– Enter Content of Tip suggestion.

Note: Content of tip suggestion must not be empty.

Then click Save.

Step 3: On PC, select order to get payment and click Get payment

Step 4: Select payment method

– Click on Tip and check the value.

– If the guest wants to add tip for the staff, click on Options and enter the amount.

Then click OK.

Click Close or Print & Accept to complete order.


– For the bills with no tip, to add tip please check Tip/Change not taken

– For the bills added tip on mobile, the program will automatically save the tip amount and allow to edit.

– For the bills with tip paid by cash and more than the receivable amount: default the extra money as the change returned to the guest.

– For the bills with tip paid by card: default adding the change to the tip

2. Add tax details to the report


The owner can check tax details and know how much they need to pay to the tax authority.

Instruction steps:

On the management page, select Report\Sale and select Sale by time

Select report period and click OK.

Details of sale by time according to each tax rate are shown as below.

– By table:

– By graph:

Have a nice day!

Updated on 23/10/2023

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