How to set up price schedule?

If the restaurant applies multiple price schedules and wants the program to automatically apply them, please follow these steps:
Step 1On management page go to Sytem settings\Purchase/Sale, check Apply the selling price policy, select By schedule.

Step 2: Set up schedules

  • Go to Utilities, select Serving time, set up schedules to apply the selling price policy. 
  • Click on the schedule to edit. Click Save.

Step 3: Set up to apply price schedule
– For the restaurants which have menu already: Go to Menu, select Update price, export menu to Excel file. Then select Yes on Apply price schedule columns of the applicable items and then enter prices. Import this file again to the program.

– For the restaurants which do have not menu: the owner needs to set up menu and then export it to Excel. The follow the steps above to set up price schedule.
If you want to add new item or adjust price of each item, when adding/selecting item click Price policy, check Apply price schedule, and enter price of each schedule.

On sale software, when the waitstaff adds item to order, the program will recognize price of this item according to the applied price schedule.

Updated on 19/09/2022

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