Transfer data from CUKCUK to SME.NET 2020

1. Instruction steps

Step 1: On CUKCUK software, mark the documents to be transferred to SME.NET
On CUKCUK management page, go to Application\MISA SME.NET. Sale, Storehouse-Purchase, Pay-in/Pay-out documents are the documents generated on CUKCUK software.
Check the documents you want to transfer and click Mark to transfer.
Transfer Sale documents: the user selects Sale tab to transfer documents
Transfer Purchase documents: the user selects Purchase tab to transfer documents
Transfer Pay-in/Pay-out documents: the user selects Pay-in/Pay-out tab to transfer documents

Step 2: On SME.NET software, click Load data from CUKCUK
Log into SME.NET 2020. On Budget, Bank, Purchase, Sale, Storehouse, click Load data from CUKCUK –> The program will automatically load all documents marked on CUKCUK in Step 1.
List of documents includes Document No. from CUKCUK so that the accountant can easily cross check.
After loading data from CUKCUK, there will be notification on the globe icon. Double click here to check out documents which have been loaded successfully and unsuccessfully. If there is any unsuccessfully loaded documents, please click on the link “View list of documents failed to import” for more detail.
Step 3: Check created documents again. You can edit information if necessary.
Step 4: Proceed Book entry.
2. Note: 
1. After SME loads data from CUKCUK, if the user edits information on CUKCUK and wants SME to load data again, please follow these steps:
– The accountant deletes the old document on SME
– On CUKCUK management page go to Application\MISA SME.NET, mark to transfer that document gain
– SME loads data from CUKCUK. Then data will be synchronized again.2. The program automatically recognizes the account by payment method and default account according to entry item.
3. Every time of loading data from CUKCUK, the program will automatically load maximum 100 documents. If you want to load more than 100 documents, please do it in multiple times.
Updated on 16/09/2022

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