Connect CUKCUK with SME.NET 2020

To connect CUKCUK with SME.NET 2020, please follow these steps:

Chi tiết các Step như sau:
1. On CUKCUK software, assign staff to use Accounting\Connect to SME.NET 2020
CUKCUK software defaults that only System Administrator has SME.NET 2020 Accounting right (View, Settings, Transfer documents) while the restaurant owner wants to assign other roles like Chain Manager, Manager, Accountant to use Connect to SME.NET 2020 feature on CUKCUK. To do so, please follow these steps: Go to System settings/Role management, select Role to edit and on Accountant role check Connect to MISA SME.NET:

  • Check View: allow to view documents but not transfer documents from CUKCUK to AMIS.VN or change connection settings.
  • Check Transfer documents: allow to view and transfer documents from CUKCUK to AMIS.VN
  • Check Settings: allow to add, edit or delete account connecting AMIS.VN with CUKCUK.

After being assigned, when the user logs in the management page they’ll see MISA SME.NET in Application.

2. On CUKCUK software, connect to SME.NET 2020
On CUKCUK management page, the owner connects it with SME.NET 2020 as below:
Go to Application\MISA SME.NET and click Connect.
For a restaurant chain, you need to go to each restaurant in the chain to connect with SME.NET.

3. On SME.NET 2020 software, connect to CUKCUK

To connect SME.NET 2020 with CUKCUK, on SME.NET 2020 please follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Utilities\Connect to sale software
Step 2: Log in as System Administrator or the assigned-to-connect CUKCUK account.
Step 3: Fill in full information and then click OK.
Updated on 16/09/2022

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