1. Purpose
To create bank deposit pay-in note in the following cases:Debt pay-in and Other pay-in (e.g. staff fine/compensation, tool liquidation, supplier commission…)
2. Fields
2.1. Debt pay-in
2. Fields
2.1. Debt pay-in
Instruction steps
To create bank deposit Debt pay-in note, follow these steps:
1. Select Bank deposit.2. Select tab Pay-in, pay-out.
3. Click Add\Pay-in.
4. Select note type as Debt pay-in.
5. Click Select bill.
6. Set condition to filter guest debt.
7. Click Load data => the system will automatically filter debts upon payment date.
8. Recognize guest debts by either of these ways:
- If debt pay-in does not base on generated bill.
- If debt pay-in bases on generated bill.
9. Click Get payment => the system automatically generates debt pay-in note.
Instruction steps
To create bank deposit Other pay-in note, follow these steps:
1. Select Bank deposit.
2. Select Pay-in, pay-out tab.
3. Click Add\Pay-in.
4. Select note type as Other.
5. Enter bank deposit pay-in note.
6. Click Save.
3. Note
- If Pay-in category is not available in utilities, add it at Utilities\Pay-in/Pay-out.