
New features
 Currently, when you set Open drawer upon getting payment, it will always open. This does not satisfy the requirements of the restaurants which usually get payment by bank card, do not put the pay slip in the drawer, and only want to open the drawer upon collecting cash. Therefor, as of R66 CUKCUK software adds the feature Only open drawer upon collecting cash.
Instruction steps:
Step 1: Go to General settings, check Open drawer upon getting payment and select Only open drawer upon collecting cash
Step 2: After checking out, if you collect cash the drawer will be automatically opened. If you collect payment by card, the drawer will not be opened. It is the same for deposit pay-in/pay-out.2. On the management page, in Bank deposit\Checking add the feature: allow to export data
Details of change: In the end of the month, the accountant wants to know pay-in from each card in an Excel file, but previously the program did not support exporting data. Therefore, as of R66 CUKCUK program allows to export data to an Excel file.
Instruction steps:
Step 1: On the management page, go to Bank deposit\Checking, search and click “Export”3. On the management page, in Report\Sale add the feature: report on sales by modifiers
Details of change:

The owner wants to follow up the number of modifiers sold in the period. Therefore, as of R66 CUKCUK program adds report on sales by modifier.
Instruction steps: On the management page, go to Report\Sale, and select Sales by modifiers

Search and check sales by modifiers.

Updated on 19/09/2022

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